Saturday, March 12, 2011


I sit here tonight and my thoughts are consumed with The Shamrock Run tomorrow.  I signed up back in October for the 8K race (5 miles) and thought of course I will be ready.  I have been training and running every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday since then, but I am still nervous. 

I have been training with my friend Sara Monterossi and she has stuck it out with me during freezing weather, ice on our paths, paths being flooding and pretty much everything else you can imagine.  We have been really consistent and have improved so much...the first time we ran 2:30 and walked 2:30 - eight times, we thought we were going to die.  On Thursday we ran for 25 minutes, walked 1 minute and ran for 25 more.  So I think we are ready. 

But of course then my thoughts turn to running up Broadway.  While it does not seem like a big incline, I am scared to death of it.  When I used to work downtown I would walk up that street and it is definitely an incline.  So I am VERY of course I am not running the 15K that is up Terwilliger because I know I could not make would take me the entire year to train for that.   So my current challenge is conquering my fear of running up Broadway - as well as knowing I just need to run at my own pace, not be disappointed in myself.

So wish me luck...I will try to take as many pictures as I can and post tomorrow/Monday :)

Cheers to conquering my fears and the beer post-race!

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