Sunday, December 9, 2012

How I lost over 85 lbs!

Well this is the weekend…the weekend that started my weight loss journey.  Since February 2012, I have lost over 85 pounds.  My sister’s wedding was my reason for finally getting serious about the weight loss process.  I know it is silly but I really did not want to be the large lady in her wedding pictures.  But I am so thankful this journey started because I have gained so much more than just not being the large lady in pictures. 

So starting out I was 233.8 pounds.  This was me in Hawaii the week before I started the program Take Shape for Life.  

My friend Susan had done the program and lost weight; subsequently, Susan had become a health coach for the organization.  For some reason I just knew this program would work for me. 

My biggest problem (in regard to eating) was I was not eating in the morning and then just gorging in the afternoon/evenings.  My story is not revolutionary at all…I am a mom who is responsible for getting two others dressed, fed and out the door in the morning, so it was a miracle that I myself was getting dressed – I did not think I had time to eat.  Plus in my mind I would think “Isn’t it good for me to be cutting those calories out anyway since I really wanted to lose the weight?”  NO!!!  Your body needs fuel to start its day and if it does not have fuel it is going to hold onto that fat with all it’s might because it thinks you are starving it.  And then on top of that, I would go exercise HARD for an hour so then my body was really starving. 

I started Take Shape for Life in February and it has changed my life!  Here is general information on Take Shape for Life:
Take Shape for Life is a comprehensive program that is safe and effective. It was designed by doctors to help people not only lose weight, but to reduce Blood Pressure and Cholesterol and help Type II Diabetics stabilize blood sugars.
Some of the reasons that people love Take Shape for Life is:
-Free personal Health Coach 
-Lose 2-5 lbs per week for the first two weeks and 1-2 lbs a week thereafter 
-Low hunger, high energy, no cravings 
-Able to reduce or eliminate medications 
-Cost neutral or less than what you currently spend on food

The program consists of high-quality, medically formulated meal replacements combined with free coaching support to help you lose weight and keep it off. It is not a diet, but a two-phased approach for weight loss and maintenance.
The first phase/the “weight-loss” phase of the program is called the Medifast 5 & 1 Plan which includes eating 5 Medifast meals and then 1 Lean & Green meal. So you get to eat 6 meals a day and still lose weight…how great is that? Then there is a transition plan that will gradually increase your caloric intake and re-introducing a wider variety of foods. And then there is the Maintenance Phase where you will monitor your weight and balance your calories. You will stay active and make smart choices.
As far as what really interested me about this program was the ease of it.  In the 5 & 1 plan, the 5 Medifast meals are all interchangeable and there is a variety of foods (shakes, soups, bars, pretzels, brownies and even more).  So as I was jetting out the door in the morning and needing breakfast, I can just grab a bar and know that I am getting 20% of my daily vitamins and minerals in that one meal…along with a ton of protein which will help me from being hungry.  So it was a win win…I also could eat brownies (WHAT!?!).  So I hit the program hard and have not stopped being committed to it.

I hit my goal weight of 145 mid-November.  I am now in the middle of the Transition phase, and it is going well.  I have stayed right between 145 and 147 through the transition and that is even with Thanksgiving smack dab in the middle of it.  It was funny as I was about halfway through losing this weight, I was really nervous about the transition/maintenance phase…I did not think it was possible to keep this weight off, but now that I am actually at my goal weight, I truly know that I will not go back and this program has given me the tools to know that for a fact. 

Playing in the snow with the kids at Whistler
(I will also post more pictures of the wedding later - I just can't find any this morning :)) 

Because I have had such success on this program and really truly believe it is so much more than a diet, I have decided to become a Health Coach for the Take Shape for Life organization. I want to pass this gift of health onto my friends and family as well as anyone else who is ready to make a change in their life! If you want more detailed information on the program you can visit my website – just think you/a family member could be pounds lighter by New Year’s… wouldn't that be outstanding? 
Okay I think that is my story… and if you have any questions or need any further information, please feel free to call me (503.780.4027) because I would love to talk with you about how my life has changed.
Cheers to a new chapter in life!!!!