Monday, January 9, 2012


Mike and I went out to dinner with one of our friends on Saturday night.  We had a wonderful time and of course had a substantial amount of wine!  The conversation turned to what I might want to do "when I grow up" and my friend said to me, "Whatever you decide to do you will be successful at it."  I respect this person immensely and for her to say this to me, meant more than I can express here.  Instantly I had tears in my eyes because I have not had that type of encouragement in a while...truthfully I have no idea when the last time was I have had that sincere type of all-encompassing encouragement.

As parents we always are encouraging our kids...take that next step, learn that word, take that leap into the pool, etc, but I don't think as adults we think of encouraging other adults.  It makes a HUGE difference!

I have been thinking about this non-stop over the past two days and realized I had to encourage all people that read this blog and everyone I know to keep your eyes peeled...if you know people that are in a transition in their lives, have been thinking about them lately or just need a kind word, SAY IT - call them, go to dinner, email them, FaceBook them...I am telling you it means the world. 

Cheers to having people in my life who encourage me and wishing that to all people I know (and even those who I don't know)!


  1. great post stephanie. i am thankful your friend encouraged you. your life & heart is inspiring to me. xoxo

  2. So glad you heard the encouragement you needed!
    Sometimes it is hard to believe in ourselves without a bit of encouragement...we all deserve AND need it sometimes!
    Thanks for the reminder!
