Monday, June 18, 2012

Jesse Leeper - "Big Guy", "Biggs"

Jesse Leeper was our dog and really he was our first child.  We loved him like a child and he was definitely considered a member of the family.  He had many the nickname, but Biggs was the one that stood the test of time. 

1999ish-May 2012
We adopted him from Mike's Aunt, Uncle and Cousins up in Battle Ground.  It was fate.  It was Christmastime December of 2000.  We were at Mike's Grandparent's house up in Auburn, Washington.  I was telling everyone how much I wanted a dog for Christmas.  Mike was NOT ready to get a dog.  I thought he might surprise me for Christmas, but he was not ready to budge on the dog front.  This is when Mike's Aunt Linda told me this story: 

Mike's cousin Joel, who was attending Pacific Lutheran University at the time, found Jesse.  He called the owners who were on Jesse's collar and they said they did not want him anymore - he ran away too much.  So Joel tried to keep him for a while, but a college living situation did not do wonders for a big dog like Jesse.  Jesse went to live with Joel's parents, Aunt Linda and Uncle Warren. 

Aunt Linda and Uncle Warren already had a dog, but were housing Jesse until they could find a suitable family to adopt him.  I begged and begged Mike to just stop at Aunt Linda and Uncle Warren's house on our way down the road to at least meet Jesse.  Mike finally agreed and we stopped and met Jesse.  Jesse was the most strikingly beautiful dog I have ever seen.  He looked like a husky in appearance, but not necessarily full husky.  Mike said we could think about it.  The wonderful thing about Jesse was he was not a puppy, so he was completely potty trained.

Mike and I headed down the road and had a party to go to in Salem.  I pestered him all the way down to Salem and then I told everyone at the party what a perfect fit this would be for us.  So then they would go up to Mike and say, "Why won't you let Steph adopt this dog, he sounds perfect!?!"  Finally about half way through the party, Mike came up to me and said we could adopt Jesse.  We were headed to Black Butte for New Year's so Mike called Linda and Warren to see if it would be okay if we could pick him up after we were home from the trip.  They said yes and then he was ours.

We picked Jesse up one night in early January 2001 and brought him home to our house.  We took him out onto our back deck and took him off his leash.  We completely forgot to close the door from the garage to the back deck and Jesse took off out the open door.  We used to live close to Terwilliger Blvd (a very large and busy street in SW Portland) and of course as we chased Jesse, he ran closer and closer to Terwilliger Blvd.  We decided to stop chasing him and somewhat "walk" home.  He stopped and followed us...finally we got him home, but needless to say our confidence was shaken.  Were we really ready for this?  Mike kept reiterating, "NO."

Within that first week of owning Jesse, we took him to the vet at Banfield to have him checked out and to get him any shots that he needed.  That is where we met Dr. R.  She is an amazing vet that I am so thankful was with us through Jesse's entire life.  She estimated Jesse's age to be about one and a half years old.  So still puppy in attitude, but not so puppy that he did ALL puppy things. 

We had many adventures with Jesse throughout the years.  He lived in our garage while we were at work when we first adopted him.  Our garage was huge, heated and carpeted (the owner of our house - who we were renting from - used to use the garage as his "gym").  So Jesse had a bunch of space during the day and then he would be in the house with us the rest of the time. 

At one point we were carpooling to work and we would leave my Toyota 4-Runner in the garage.  We drove home one day and could not find Jesse in the was really strange.  Then we searched the backyard and could not find him there.  We then went back into the garage and realized that Jesse was sitting in the front seat of my car.  I had mistakenly left the back window down in the back of my car and Jesse jumped to the back of my car.  As far as we could tell, he had hung out in the car all day.  He could not get out of the car because the back window was about one foot from the garage door and about five feet off the ground.  Hard to jump in, but nearly impossible to get out.  While he was trapped in the car, he chewed off my gearshift nob and a few CD cases.  He was very happy to get out of the car and I never left my window down again!

Eventually Jesse moved into the house once his puppy tendencies subsided.  He was a great dog, although very intimidating to people who were not dog people.  He would jump up on people pretty much until the last year of his life when they arrived at our house...not because wanted to hurt anyone, but because he wanted to welcome them.

Jesse loved the snow...after all he was a husky.  Some of my favorite times with Jesse was being with him in the snow.  Mike called it his "rollie-pollie" because he would dive nose first into the snow and roll back and forth on this back.

Post "rollie-pollie" just soaking up the snow!

Jesse loved the move to our current house in Tigard.  The backyard was bigger and the walks were better because there is a trail right by our house that stretches for miles.  So when we would get home from work in the evening, Jesse would get his walk.  You could not say the word "walk" around him because he would get so excited his feet would do a "happy dance" and you could barely get his leash on him.

Years passed and in December 2006 we added a new baby to the mix.  Jesse was amazing with Tommy.  While he did not like his crying just as much as we did not like his crying, Jesse was enamored with this little baby boy.

Jesse loved baby Tommy and his Daddy, so never was far from them.

And then in 2009, Morgan joined us and I think Jesse and Morgan were soul mates.  Morgan is our child who LOVES animals and she loved giving Jesse pets and loves. 

Jesse was never too far from the action!  He loved being with the family.
You may remember from my previous posts that Jesse had a growth develop in early 2011.  You can read more about it here.  Jesse ended up having surgery on the growth and it was cancerous.  It was a fast growing localized cancer, so it would come back.  The vet said the surgery was a great time buyer, but we needed to be prepared for the cancer to return.

It was a very long recovery and poor Jesse had to wear a donut on his head so he would not lick the incision.  When he was so drugged up, he did not seem to mind the donut because it acted like a pillow.  But he got tired of it and so did we.  See pictures here.

But then he recovered and was pretty much back to his old self.  He was having some arthritis issues in his back legs, but that was to be expected of a dog his age.  We so enjoyed the last year of his life and really being able to hang out with him. 

In late April this year, I started noticing how hard it was for Jesse to get downstairs in the morning, as well as the growth had returned and was growing rapidly.  He would basically almost fall down the stairs each morning and it was really hard to watch.

Finally I said to Mike I think it is time - he was hurting and we always said we did not want him to hurt.  So May 5, 2012, Mike and I took Jesse to Banfield one last time.  It was very humane, but also very devastating.  He was our first kid and it was so hard to watch him go.  But we reassure ourselves that he is in doggy heaven.  The kids often talk about how much fun he must be having in doggy heaven. 

I think the hardest part of losing Jesse has been the day-to-day stuff that you never think about, but make a huge impact on your life without you realizing it.  He was always at the door to greet us when we returned home.  He was always there if we accidentally dropped food on the floor.  He was always in our room at night, sleeping on the bed (in the early years) and on the floor (later in life, when his jumping ability had declined).  He always had a smile on his face when he saw us.  He was always there for us in every way.  We loved him with all our hearts and miss him every day. 

Tommy and Morgan playing with Jesse and taking him on a "walk"

So cheers to one of the best dogs we will ever know - Jesse we love you!!

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