Monday, November 22, 2010


Michael will tell you all I have too many commitments in my life.  However, I disagree.  I just wish I could accomplish more!  There is so much in this world that needs to get done (even if they are small little mundane details).  Whether it be for my family, my friends, my neighbors or me...there is always something that needs to be done. 

I guess the part that I need to figure out how to balance my commitments.  It is and always will be a balancing act, right?  Why do I not remember this balancing act as a child or even a teenager?  I guess that is what good parenting does for you; it seems to be another one of those "ah ha" moments in life where you actually recognize all your parents have done for you.

So as the week of thankfulness starts, I thank my parents for not only making commitments a part of my life, but also for showing me that helping everyone around me makes me a better person.  I hope to pass those values onto my children.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously! But you know it wasn't just mom & dad who "made it happen." They had Grandma Margaret, Doris & Bill, Auntie Barb & Uncle Bill, all our friends' parents, great teachers/house, pet, and kid sitters like Lara... I'm just thankful for the childhood we had. We were truly lucky/blessed with ALL the people who pitched in to "raise" us!.
