Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thankful :) - I know shocking title for today's holiday

Today there are so many things to be thankful for...healthy kids, a husband that made it home safe from Asia, a mom who came up to Portland last night to help me with everything that needs to get done for dinner tonight, a warm cozy house - I seriously could go on and on. 

I am thankful for all my friends that help me through my day-to-day life (and that includes you FaceBook friends) as well as my friends that I do not see/talk to all that often, but I know think of me often as I do them.

I am most thankful for ALL of my life's experiences.  I have had experiences all over the board - good: wonderful childhood, great parents who were involved throughout my life, graduating from both a great high school (GO SAXONS) and an outstanding college (DePauw University);  bad: losing my wonderful father way too early and getting caught with my fake i.d. when I was 20...but I would not change these experiences for anything since they make me who I am today.  And I really believe that you have to life your life in the moment...because it can all be gone in a second. 

So I am thankful for how each and every person I meet and each and every experience that happens to me has shaped me.  I look forward to the next year to have much more to be thankful for!

Wherever you may be when you are reading this, know that I am thankful for you and how you are involved in my life!

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